Level of Insecticide Control in Pseudomyrmex brunneus Using Raid


  • Meagan Moore


Ants have been considered major household pests for some time, leading to the introduction of several different insecticides to protect against them. These insecticides have proven to be harmful to mammals in multiple metabolic functions. In this experiment, the ant species Pseudomyrmex brunneus, of the order Hymenoptera and the family Formicidae, was used as a test subject to show the effectiveness of different insecticides. The three different insecticides tested were Raid, Spectracide, and a home remedy. The first experiment performed had many methodological flaws that resulted from not using a correct time frame for recording ant death and improper use of Spectracide. Due to these experimental errors, a second experiment was performed in which dilutions of Raid with water were used to test which would be most effective in killing the ants. This resulted in the 1:1 dilution being most effective and the 1:3 dilution being least effective in regards to time of death, but all three dilutions did result in 100% ant death in less than six minutes. This result is important because it shows that dilutions of a common household insecticide can be used to kill the same number of ants and could possibly be safer for those who are exposed to the insecticide in the home.


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