
  • Elisângela Albuquerque Sobreira UNESP Botucatu
  • Sheila Canavese Rahal Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Wild Animals of UNESP.
  • Vidal Haddad Junior Professor of the medical course and postgraduate program in wildlife.
  • Carla Afonso da Silva Bitencourt Braga Professor of the graduate program in tropical medicine and public health.


The city of Anapolis located in the state of Goiás, Brazil, has several environmental parks that serve as habitat and refuge for many wild animals. The parks represent the last refuge for some wild animals such asmarmoset, possum, armadillo, capuchin monkey, owl, lapwing, among others. In addition, the parks play an important role for climate mitigation and preservation of the ecosystem, and represent an important recreational area for residents. Recently, mortality rates have increased in non-human primates, including capuchin monkeys and marmosets,as well as skunks from environmental parks as Ipiranga, Matinha, and Central Park. Based on history and clinical signs - rapid onset, tetanic seizures and pupils dilated -strychnine poisoning was suspected. Necropsies were done in 15 marmosets (Callithrix penicillata). Of a total of 13marmosets from Central Park, nine showed petechiae in the pancreas, and presence of green strychnine-laced grain in the digestive tract.However, marmosets from Matinha and Ipiranga parks showed no specific necropsy lesions. Conducting monitoring of the Central Park showed that it undergoes reform. The hypothesis was that the employees were poisoning the marmosets since the animals constantly stole employees’ meals. Thus, an environmental education program was held in all three parks of the city. Employees and visitors of the parks were instructed about importanceofwildlifeconservation and biodiversity maintenance.A positive result was obtained after education program since no more animal deathshave beenobserved in the parks.

Author Biographies

  • Elisângela Albuquerque Sobreira, UNESP Botucatu

    Veterinary Medical Center of the Zoonoses Control Center of Anapolis.

    Founder of the Volunteer Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation.

    Master in Ecology and Evolution by UFG.

    PhD in Wild Animals by UNESP.

  • Sheila Canavese Rahal, Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Wild Animals of UNESP.
    Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Wild Animals of UNESP.
  • Vidal Haddad Junior, Professor of the medical course and postgraduate program in wildlife.

    Professor of the medical course and postgraduate program in wildlife.

  • Carla Afonso da Silva Bitencourt Braga, Professor of the graduate program in tropical medicine and public health.

    Professor of the graduate program in tropical medicine and public health.


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