A Comparative Study on the Escape Behaviors of Orthopterans in San Juan de Peñas Blancas, San Ramón, Costa Rica


  • Josephine Starnes Texas A&M University
  • Jared Salin
  • Crystal Myers
  • Melanic Osegueda


A total of three trials were conducted to compare the escape behaviors of the various Orthopterans Abracris flavolineata (De Geer, 1773), Orophus sp. (Saussure, 1861), Silvitettix sp., Leptomerinthoprora brevipennis (Rehn, 1905). Since many Orthopterans use visual stimuli and react in similar ways to threats, the selected trials tested different kinds of escape behaviors. The first trial testing an approaching vertical stimulus showed no significance in escape behavior between A. flavolineata and Orophus sp. Trial two with a horizontal stimulus also showed no significance, this time between all four species. When looking at solely the grasshopper species in a contingency test from trial two, there was indication that they behaved similarly. Trial three was held outdoors with an approaching downwards angled stimulus, also showing no significance between the four species. When comparing the indoor trials to the outdoor trials, the results were significant, indicative that the specimens reacted faster indoors. A large factor in the results showing insignificance can be traced to the lack of enough specimens to test.

Author Biography

  • Josephine Starnes, Texas A&M University

    Ento 481.

    Junior at Texas A&M, pursuing studies in Entomology. I'd like to work towards a Masters degree in either Genetics or Forensics, ideally to conduct research or become a Forensic Entomologist.


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