Efficacy of Larvicidal Liquid Additive Against Mosquito Larvae


  • Alison Duke Texas A&M University
  • Jeremy Feland
  • Jason Nguyen
  • Carlo Rodriguez
  • Matthew Snow
  • Madeline Strickland


During the dry fall and winter months, mosquito prevalence tends to falter as the climate is cooler and water is sparse. However, once the rainy season begins and temperatures warm (March to September), mosquitoes become active and the risks associated with disease transmission heighten. Along with environmental factors, an increase in mosquito population is also influenced by urbanization and application of DDT. In efforts to control mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile Virus and yellow fever, we conducted a vector management experiment. For female oviposition to occur, a source of water, whether that be standing water or flood water, must be present. As eggs were laid on or near the surface of water and hatched into larvae, homemade mosquito dunks were utilized on three species: Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti, and Aedes albopictus. This study aimed to determine whether common household chemicals would be effective in killing mosquito larvae. Our study challenges the stigma that Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and costly insecticides must be implemented in order to effectively combat the vectors for mosquito-borne diseases.


