A Survey of Mosquitos in the College Station Area


  • alexis zhane allen Texas A&M University


Mosquitoes pose not only an annoyance and nuisance to humans, but also a danger to health. West Nile Virus, Malaria, and Dengue fever are just a few of the diseases vectored by mosquitoes. Entomologists keep track of species of mosquitoes and their ranges through surveys. A collection survey of the College Station metropolitan area was conducted to assess the species currently present. It was hypothesized that Culex quinquiefasciatus would be the most prevalent species in the area; however, no specimens were collected during this survey. Further surveys are required to determine the most prevalent species of mosquitoes in the College Station area.

Author Biography

  • alexis zhane allen, Texas A&M University
    dept of entomology


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Mullen, Gary R. "Mosquitos (Culicidae)." Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2.nd ed. Burlington: Elsevier, 2009. Print.

Rezende, Gustavo L et al. 'Embryonic Desiccation Resistance In Aedes Aegypti: Presumptive Role Of The Chitinized Serosal Cuticle'. BMC Developmental Biology 8.1 (2008): 82. Web. 1 Dec. 2015.


