Mosquito Surveillance in the Brazos County (Diptera:Culicidae)


  • Frida Cano
  • Jaycob Gorski
  • Jessica Eastridge


Mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals in the planet. They are known vector of some diseases like Malaria and Dengue. It is important to know what species of mosquitoes are presented in the area since not all of them vector the same diseases. The goals of this experiment was to identify the various species of Culicidae (Diptera) in the Bryan College Station area, in addition we noted the effect of climate on the prevalence of these species. Mosquito larvae were collected twice a week at three different locations. These collected larvae were separated into two groups- those to be maintained as larval specimens and those to be reared and identified as adults. By correctly identifying the adults, the potential to assert the most effective prevention methods for the Bryan College Station could potentially be achieved. In addition, studying the effects of climate on the population dynamics of mosquitoes can help determine the most efficient times to provide preventative treatments to the Bryan College Station area. This experiment will serve to identify the various species and the effects of climate on these species within the Bryan College Station area, in an effort to determine the most effective preventative measures.  


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